Check out the groups below or get in touch with Tim @ timmcivor.soul@gmail.com or 0273030377
What is Small Groups About?
Without small groups we are just a bunch of people who attend an event once a week and that's so not what God called us to be. We want to grow as a Soul family by hanging out together and to grow our relationship with God!
We make it easy for you meet at a time convenient to you, once a week for four weeks!
Our Aim is for better connection with Soul and to have everyone feel like they are really part of the Soul family. Any of our leaders would love to have you join their group!
Check out the groups below for contact details.
Check out who hosts a small group below - If they are on the list, they still have room!
Jude Dalton. Tuesday 1.30pm @ Soul Church. Women only.
We are a women's only group who find it easier to meet during the day in a casual cafe setting. New woman are always welcome!
For more details contact Jude on judithwdalton@gmail.com.

Dave and Raewyn Bennett. Wednesday 7pm. Everyone welcome.
We are a farming couple who live about 10min out of town. Everyone welcome!
Contact Raewyn on 027 637 6219 or at dr_rl_bennett@hotmail.com for more details.
Ben and Káren Sanders. Thursday 7pm. Young Adults
We are starting a young adults small group!
You see, we were young adults once and still have faint memories of that time. We hope we can create a space for you to connect, grow and have some fun!
If you like slightly awkward people, a mostly clean house and food then this is the place for you.
Contact Ben on stryderglider@gmail.com or Káren on karencoghlan.rn@gmail.com